
Episode 9

Episode 9- A new podcast!?! sorry everyone for the delay but day to day life has picked up. This week's episode we tackle are favorite and worst Summer blockbuster movies, talk some superheroes, and at the end we do a few more rounds of Would you Rather, with one question that left us both scarred for life.

Episode 8

Episode 8- Summer reads, in today's episode we are showing some love to reading a good book. We talk about why we love  reading. Both Heather and I each review a book, and then we come together to review something we have both read. Of course we end it with a couple more rounds of Would you rather

Episode 7

Episode 7 is here, we review the season finale of American Gods, do a small review of Wonder Woman and end with a few random would you rather questions!

Episode 6

We are pulling double duty this week by reviewing two episodes of American Gods and playing Would You Rather...

Episode 5

Episode 5 is finally here! We are continuing our discussion with season 4 of Buffy, episode 5 of American Gods, and finish with another round of Would You Rather!

Episode 4

Reach the Masses- Episode 4. Todays episode we continue our weekly discussion of Buffy season 3, American Gods episode 4, and play a couple of rounds of Would You Rather...  Plus the NSA may or may not have a file on Heather and we are both pro-Godzilla!

Episode 3

Picking up from the last episode, we start by discussing Doctor Who. Then we talk American Gods Episode 3 an end with a few rounds of a game called "Would you rather..."